
Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My Head [Alternative]


Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My Head [Alternative]


专辑名称:Anywhere I Lay My Head

歌手姓名:Scarlett Johansson




You've heard what Scarlett has to say about covering Tom Waits, you've read what Bowie has to say about her covering Tom Waits, shit you've even seen what Tom Waits has to say about ScarJo covering Tom Waits. NOW IT'S TIME TO HEAR HER COVER TOM WAITS. The record's called Anywhere I Lay My Head, and the first cover to convert its way into internet friendly streamability is the title track. As Sitek told us on a snowy night a few months back, he was going for a "cough syrup/Tinkerbell" vibe throughout. That night we complained that Sitek's dense production tended to bury her vocal -- drowning Tinker Bell in the cough syrup, to **** with the metaphor. We walked out thinking it was a swell sounding Sitek album, and Scarlett was guesting. This is just the first helping, but see how the syrup suits you.

史嘉蕾娇韩森从一位获奖的童星成为当今最炙手可热的新生代演员,她曾经三度入围金球奖,最近曾以和约翰屈伏塔合作的独立制片作品【献给你的情歌】一片获得金球奖提名。她于2004年同时以两部作品获得两项金球奖提名:【爱情,不用翻译】以及【戴珍珠耳环的少女】,她并以【爱情,不用翻译】一片获得英国金像奖最佳女主角奖以及威尼斯影展影后宝座。 她于1998年劳勃瑞福执导的【轻声细语】一片的演出广受好评,两年后她又以【鬼世界】一片获得好评,并赢得多伦多影展最佳女配角奖。此外她还与比利鲍伯索顿主演柯恩兄弟执导的【找错凶手杀错人】;【美国天堂】以及【联考满分不是梦】等片。 2007年,史嘉莉乔韩森,在新电影【豪门保姆日记】中,表现出了清纯与知性的一面,和可爱的小童星不论戏里戏外的互动都非常自然,彷佛一位真正不折不扣的好保姆… 由知名杂志FHM男人帮杂志所选出来的十大全球最性感女人,打败安洁莉娜裘莉等众美女的是近年急速窜红的新星史嘉蕾娇韩森(Scarlett Johansson)。由童星起家,外型清纯脱俗,连汤姆克鲁斯都要她担任女主角,演技清新自然,以【爱情不用翻译】拿下威尼斯影展最佳女主角后,在好莱坞迅速窜红,在商业动作片【绝地再生】中挑大梁,与英国男星伊旺麦奎格演出对手戏;而后又在伍迪艾伦的【爱情决胜点】中演出诱惑有妇之夫的性感尤物,低沉沙哑的嗓音迷倒所有男性观众,也成为目前女性纷纷模仿的对象,连知名的时尚杂志<浮华世界>都邀请史嘉蕾与琪拉奈特莉全裸上阵拍封面,票选成为第一性感美女可说是实至名归。

1. Fawn

2. Town With No Cheer

3. Falling Down

4. Anywhere I Lay My Head

5. Fannin Street

6. Song For Jo

7. Green Grass

8. I Wish I Was In New Orleans

9. I Don't Wanna Grow Up

10. No One Knows I'm Gone

11. Who Are You





wyp40编辑  2008年5月30日



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