查看完整版本: how to make gold coins quickly without being VIP?

1ixiangdongku 2011-4-17 22:00

Being a newbie, he is not even allowed post anything in BT sections, let alone "good

vincemvp 2011-4-17 22:55

just reply every section u read

aiaibibi 2011-4-25 11:01

in this case you must read more and reply more,so that you can get what you want.

哎呀呀12366 2011-5-1 01:21

i do believe you creat new topic will get more coins, the better way

bobylove 2011-5-1 19:33

I think you must reply many post to get the gold coins. that the way you could do.

lsy_19830908 2011-5-7 10:47

more reply more coins, then you can increase your level
next, you should post

a55paht 2011-5-12 16:34

reply but not spamming, spamming will result in a band, so please dont spam, spam is very mean for the host. :teeth

darkblack123 2011-5-15 01:43

a coin per reply i guess

daheishou 2011-6-8 16:48

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a759983040 2011-6-8 23:32

man without work!:cake

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:44

just reply more and more

changhui6789 2011-6-12 21:42

:cake  you could, to a certain extent, get your result about this forum

1355067783 2011-6-13 00:03

i am sorry,i can't help you,sorry

a55paht 2011-6-17 16:35

donate  $US 200 to this website is one of the best ways to become a high level :teeth

harwell 2011-6-28 20:28

I think you must reply many post to get the gold coins. that the way you could do.

a55paht 2011-7-1 21:26

Just keep posting and helping out others, you will be high level before you know :excellence

mr.duke 2011-7-2 11:30

i would like to know as well

bowleo 2011-7-2 12:58

ya.. it is really hard to get coins quickly ~
i want to get help also ~
but now i am trying post and reply to get it

rintor 2011-7-6 20:15

you should search anther web site

d3487733 2011-7-11 10:52

As far as I know, the easiest way is to share things you have as a creator. People like me, always wait for a long time to upgrade.
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查看完整版本: how to make gold coins quickly without being VIP?